The Power of Advertising

Monday, April 21, 2008 by Amy

So, it turns out that the advertising industry that I work for is really pretty powerful. As evidence, I offer up this conversation I overheard between my sister Lauren and my 8 year-old brother Josh (shown above with his cutting edge night-vision goggles) while at my parents' house for dinner.

LAUREN (after explaining to my mom some concern she was having): "I'm not really sure what we're going to do about it but I'm sure we'll figure something out."

JOSH: "You could call Nationwide."

LAUREN: "What?"

JOSH: "Yeah. (He begins to sing with remarkably accurate pitch) "Nationwide is on your side."

LAUREN: "Good idea, Josh."

JOSH (pulling out a wiffle bat): "Let's go play lightsabers!"

Good job, Nationwide. I think you've really hit your target market. Now if I could just learn how to write some decent jingles, I could really take over the world.

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Whitney said...

jingles! you have written jingles!

"baJIO" nuff said...

Anna said...

Darn those catchy jingles! Can't get them out of your head.

Welcome to the blogging world! It's new for me too. We'll struggle through it together. :)

Emily said...

Yay! Finally! (jk) Anyway, welcome to the little thing we like to call the internet, it is really fun. Now, how can we get Kristin to commit?

Anonymous said...

sweet blog, yo. can we be blogging friends too?

Anonymous said...

hey :) Watup you 2? That's really awesome you have a blog :)

I am doing a WordPress based project at the moment... You are the first one on that side of the ocean to find out what the idea behind it is...

See... I want to allow people to post anonymously on my blog and then send their post to someone they intend it to.

Nothing special, unless you consider the fact that the person receiving the message will NEVER find out who wrote the message unless the author discloses himself.

I mean... you could write "I hate my mom in law, send it to her mailbox and she would never find out who it's from, unless you want her to.

Anyway... I hope it catches on.

take care,

ps. Man... I was supposed to comment on that post... sorry :)

Anonymous said...

you know what... You'll probably think I am a 100% genuine idiot after reading this comment... You're ready?

I gave you my blog idea WITHOUT considering or even realising the fact that OTHER PEOPLE READ YOUR BLOG...

I am wondering what they give for the "idiot of the year" prize nowadays?

Take care. Seba.