Jealous of an Unborn Baby

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 by Amy

That's right. I'm jealous of an unborn baby. Call me immature, but let me explain why. See, we had a really great couple baby shower for our friends Sarah Jane and Nathan last night, who will be having a little girl in the next few months. Pretty awesome presents were doled out by multiple parties that made me start wishing not that I was having the baby but that I actually was the baby. I mean it. Because there is really cool stuff for babies. I mean, I really wish those alphabet shoes came in my size. Clearly, from the picture, SJ wishes she could throw on that adorable little sun dress/bloomers combo. And I would hang those amazing prints/crafty creations in my own room any day of the week (major props go to Karisa, who made them).

Maybe it's crazy, but I'm just saying.

(Another thing that was too cute to believe? Paul and Holly's new baby, Leo. Good job, guys. He's a winner.)

Filed under having  


Emily said...

Cute shoes! I am jealous of those as well! But, I think, well actually I know, that your sweet little baby, (when it comes) will the the cutest one of all!

Jenna Theobald Broadbent said...

I'm so sad we missed it! We love you guys and LOVE your new blog!!!


Anna said...

Whoa, that was brother's name is Paul, and his wife's name is Holly, and they are currently expecting their second child. So when you mentioned that bit about "Paul and Holly's new baby, Leo", I kinda freaked out a little. But then I realized they are expecting a girl, and she's not due until June. So freaking out officially over.

BUT - I am in agreeance (if that is a word) with the cuteness of baby clothes/accessories these days. Sometimes I secretly shop online for baby things, even though we're not planning for one right now either! Lucky babies these days. The rest of us had to suffer through the awful fashion crisis otherwise known as the 80's.

Whitney said...

oh no, you are on the baby train. perhaps as a baby? i agree, the baby accessories as i like to call them are out of control cute! i am definitely on the baby train and need to get off at the next stop.

Sarah Jane said...

That shower was so fun. Thanks again for the amazing shoes YOU guys gave us. We love them. P.S. I did poach some of these pictures for our blog. Hope that's okay. Credit where credit is due.