We're a Real Family Now

Thursday, March 26, 2009 by Amy

So, this is our new puppy Magda. We went to go see her brother and ended up loving her more. So she came home with us. Way to work it, puppy.

Other things about Magda:

- She slept through the night last night (we did not realize at the time of buying her that we would be taking her out four times a night for the first three days-- we are thankful that this stage appears to have passed).

- She can do awesome tricks, like looking cute and jumping over Jon's leg.

- She's turned me into one of those people that lets their dog lick their face.

- I did actually think for a moment that it might be cute to put a little outfit on her.

So, I lost my dignity but gained a pretty cute puppy. Be sure to honk and wave if you see us out and about. She'll be the dog in the sailor suit.

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This guy is the worst.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 by Amy

That's all I wanted to say. I can't decide whether I'm more annoyed that I stayed up until 1:30 watching him make a complete a** of himself or that I watched an entire season of television waiting for it to happen. Or that I publicly defended The Bachelor in front of groups of people that I respect. Or that I wore a t-shirt with his face on it. No I didn't.

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